The Swetky Agency

Submission Synopsis

The Official Coffee-Drinker’s Handbook:
The Good, the Bad, and the Downright Distasteful

by D. J. Herda

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If you love a good cup of Joe, you're going to flip for the most complete book about coffee ever, written by a long-time connoisseur and coffee lover.

Coffee has been grown for production for centuries.  Now, the most complete book ever on the subject of "black gold" tells you how to make it, how to drink it, and how to get the most out of one of the most versatile food crops in history.

Coffee.  America’s salvation.  Or is it?  Coffee has been grown for production for centuries.  Once revered as a drink served only to royalty—and later thought worthy only of the peasantry—today it is hailed by people around the world as an undeniably satisfying drink.  Yet only lately have doctors and researchers come to understand what it is about coffee that makes it so popular.  The Official Coffee-Drinker’s Handbook delves into the history, the popularity, the health benefits, the potential health hazards, the economic impact, and the social ramifications of coffee drinking.  Loaded with plenty of “I didn’t know that” facts and interesting tidbits of coffee-abilia, it’s the only book you’ll ever need to read before feeling qualified to say, “Can I offer you a cup of coffee?”

From brewing techniques and roasting one’s own beans to flavored coffees and using coffee in cooking, this book is a must for all coffee aficionados everywhere. 

D. J. Herda is the author of more than 80 conventionally published books and several hundred thousand articles, short stories, columns, and scripts.  He is a former college writing instructor and former book, magazine, and newspaper editor.


President of the American Society of Authors and Writers, D. J. Herda knows his coffee, has written about its benefits, and has researched its history thoroughly.


NOTE: All material is copyright protected.  No portion of this material may be copied or reproduced, either electronically,  mechanically, or by any other means, for resale or distribution without the written consent of the author.  All copy has been dated and registered with the American Society of Authors and Writers.  Copyright 2009 by The Swetky Agency