Submission Synopsis Baby Makes Three by D. J. Herda Length: Genre: Series: Sentence: Blurb: Synopsis: When the father finds out weeks later that the two women in his life have been carrying on behind his back, he threatens to kick Alicia out onto the street. But Megan has other ideas. She leaves home to move in with a 24-year-old crack head with whom she has been sleeping. When the father finally locates the two, Megan sets up a wicked plan in which the two men get into a fight and her father gets killed. But during the struggle, the kid accidentally kills Megan, and the father retaliates by shooting him execution-style through the head. After making it look like a murder-suicide, Dick Bass returns to Alicia, who by now has moved another young woman into the house. When he demands that she choose between her new paramour and himself, Alicia smiles wickedly and tells him her idea—a very different idea—for their future life together. Bio: Film: Additional: |
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