Agency Commendations




If you're an author looking to get your full-length work published (no short stories, poetry, or children's picture books), we invite you to visit our new Website at where you'll find a submission form and a link for uploading your book for agency consideration.

About Formatting Your Book

Always use the proper formatting for your book.  Failure to do so will very likely cost you an opportunity to see your book published.  SEE AUTHOR'S BOOK-FORMATTING GUIDELINES.

Here's Why To Format This Way...

Publishers are used to seeing manuscripts in one format and do not appreciate or condone other formats.  Creativity is not an option here.  Be creative in your writing.  Be conventional in your presentation.  Get used to setting up your manuscripts according to preferred formatting and always use the proper formatting for your books.  If you don't, you'll have one very serious strike against you from the very start, and that could turn out to be one strike too many!


NOTE: All material on this site is copyright protected.  No portion of this material may be copied or reproduced, either electronically,  mechanically, or by any other means, for resale or distribution without the written consent of the author.  All copy has been dated and registered with the American Society of Authors and Writers.  Copyright 2017 by The Swetky Literary Agency