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Stanfield, Andrea

What Your Best Friends WILL Tell You     A tell-all business morality book filled with the juicy stories of other people who lied in their jobs and in their lives and got away with it—for a while.  A compilation of tall tales, complete with author commentary, personal advice, the advantages of right over wrong, and plenty of triumphant good humor thrown in for spice!  From the former Czarina of Lies, now the Champion of America’s new Moral Majority.


Life without Lies - Bringing America Back from the Brink     A family-oriented book on how to get the little lies out of your life and out of your family and prevent them from growing into whoppers!  Along the way, you’ll learn the tips and tricks for teaching your children right from wrong, the values of morality in society, how to guard against compulsive liars, and advice designed to make life without lies that much more fun…and more rewarding!



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