SBARCEA, Gabriela




MESSAGE TO MY BUTTERFLY   SOLD   Text messaging, fury, madness, irrational passion, poetry … the love affair between Romanian expatriots Adelle and Tudor is a modern tale of borderline insanity and over-the-top submission.  He is her butterfly and she is his porcelain doll … but is she the only one?

He makes her happy and miserable through the blinding beauty of his wings as he glides with an imponderable presence, landing gracefully in her palm.  When he leaves, the emptiness cannot be filled by anyone or anything.  Can it?

The couple's intense connection is endurance and perseverance to perfection.  He has no boundaries: she knows no humiliation.

The book is written in first person with chronologically dated messages from Adelle’s point-of-view. It's a poetic paean to life, love, lunacy, and deliverance through messaging and dialogue, a modern love story for a rapidly changing world. 


“A stunning work.  It's an amazing first novel, filled with endless exuberance

and unconditional love.  Artfully crafted, painfully executed, remarkably candid. 

Not to be missed.” - Don Bacue, International Features Syndicate



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