



FROM COCAINE TO COCONUTS   SOLD   A fiction-based-on-fact story of a guy who decides to end it all on a desert island in the middle of the Caribbean, and then has a change of heart.

But not before winning a post-grad fellowship from Harvard, being sentenced to prison by the State Department, getting caught inside Afghanistan during the Russian invasion, getting shot by bandits who made off with half a ton of hashish, catching his wife in an affair prior to leaving her, amassing a fortune from drug running, getting hooked on heroin, being tossed in prison for trafficking, reuniting with his estranged wife, and losing her to cancer six months later. 



TREASURES OF LUST - TIKAL     A 1932 German expedition lands in Vera Cruz, Mexico, intent upon plundering Mayan pyramids and returning with their ancient treasures to Germany. En route, five soldiers die, and the expedition bogs down amid harrowing Aztec superstitions-come-true.

As one decimating stumbling block after another unfolds in their path, the remaining German soldiers cross over into another dimension--the abyss between the physical and the spiritual worlds of Mayan reincarnation. Only one man finally lives to reach the ancient tombs' treasures--but he has a change of heart when he meets the daughter of his guide, a captivating Mayan beauty, and decides to risk everything to escape with her from the curse of the Mayan Death Veil. Alive! 



YOUTH PEN   SOLD   Confronted with an unprecedented flood of young federal felons in the late 1960's, the Bureau of Prisons decided to isolate the youth of America in a penitentiary specifically for convicts between 18 and 28 years of age to keep these young offenders from older convict populations and, thus, return them to society. Non-violent youths who had committed victimless crimes (Whites: draft-dodging and drug infractions; Blacks: civil rights protest and drug infractions; Browns: illegal entry and drug infractions; Homosexuals: drug infractions) were caged in an environment that drove them to become even more criminal in order to survive.

This is the tightly woven narrative of a young man who was there when the Feds’ most ambitious plan--not surprisingly--backfired.

America is still paying the price. 



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