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Literary Market Analysis

To receive a professional literary market analysis of the first 20 pages of your novel or script (the most important pages!), simply fill out the form below, copy-and-paste your submission where requested, and click on "Submit."  This service is free of charge and offered to all AmSAW members in good standing.  Please allow 1 - 4 weeks for e-mail return receipt of your professional analysis, depending upon the volume of submissions received.


Please note: If you have problems transmitting forms electronically, please contact The Swetky Agency.


NOTE: All material on this site is copyright protected.  No portion of this material may be copied or reproduced, either electronically,  mechanically, or by any other means, for resale or distribution without the written consent of the author.  All copy has been dated and registered with the American Society of Authors and Writers.  Copyright 2002 by The Swetky Agency