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Back on Success

By becoming a Professional Member of the American Society of Authors and Writers, you'll be uniting with the finest authors, writers, editors, publishers, producers, directors, agents, and other media professionals working today.  And that will help make your professional life a whole lot easier and more productive.

As an AmSAW member, you'll receive all of the benefits that come with belonging to the most prestigious professional media society in the world, including unprecedented access to other media professionals, incredibly effective marketing and book promotional tools, plus AmSAW's monthly members-only SCRIBE! Media Magazine Professional, including all archived back issues--thousands of pages of contacts and information worth many times more than the cost of annual membership, alone.

The Right Tools, the Right
People: AmSAW

So, if you're actively engaged in writing for publication or production, go ahead.  Reward yourself with the one gift that will help you get--and stay--ahead of the pack.  Join the fastest growing society of media professionals in the world today and start enjoying these exclusive benefits...

With UNLIMITED Professional Membership

WRITER FOR HIRE  We pitch your talents to those who need most what you do best.


TRULY FREELANCE JOBS BOARD  The only board in the industry that features the best, TRULY all-freelance writer/editor jobs each weekday--without all the "garbage" listings.


BOOK REVIEW IN SCRIBE! MEDIA MAGAZINE  We'll review your latest book and run a copy in SCRIBE!  If you want to use the review elsewhere, feel free, no restrictions!


PRESS / MEMBERSHIP CARD  Identifies you as a member of the working press.


NETWORKING CAPABILITIES  Brings editors, publishers, literary agents, producers, directors, and other media professionals together with authors and screenwriters, right from our links-rich site.  We publish the contacts and e-mail addresses each month in SCRIBE! Media Magazine Professional.


NEWS!  Vital breaking news about ourselves and others of our ilk, including recent book and film sales, media news, marketing tips, promotional suggestions, and the latest legal rulings. 


REAL-TIME FEEDS that change daily, offering you the latest breaking news in media--from books and publishing to film and legal matters of concern to writers--so that you're always on top of the competition.


IN REVIEW  Find or become a book reviewer by filling out a simple form.


SCRIBE ARCHIVES  Nearly ten years of resources that you'll find indispensable to your writing, editing, and researching needs, all category-defined and searchable.


Plus MANY MORE of the things you need in your professional life to make you a more successful writer--those very things upon which all successful media professionals rely for their living.

So, why put it off any longer?  To complete your membership in the American Society of Authors and Writers, simply click on your choice of membership options below.

AmSAW UNLIMITED Professional Membership

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